Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brand New

For those of you who don't know, I've had a channel on youtube where it started off as just getting footage from concerts and I turned it into a place where I gave my thoughts on all things music. Getting footage from concerts kind of started on accident. I remember I got video from this concert I went to just to see how it would come out. From there, it became a routine of mine to get footage from every concert I went too and I seemed to get a lot of views, comments, and subscribers. It really blew me away. Eventually, it started to be a hassle. Security got annoyed with me and at certain times, it became a chore. Eventually, it lead into me being burnt out on the concert scene. That, and feeling like an unpaid worker for Roadrunner Records. That's a different story for another day. Point is, I had a youtube channel with nothing to do for it. I had ideas in my head of different things that I could try, but never anything concrete. Then, late last year, I decided to make videos on youtube based on different opinions that I had on whatever was going on in music. At first, I didn't really know what I was doing and it showed. Plus, shooting off a crappy laptop webcam, didn't really help. I eventually tried using my camera on my smartphone, since I can get much better video quality through that. Only problem was that I had nothing to lean it against to where it would stand still. Some people got a stand with there phones, I never had that option. Then, I went back to shooting off of my laptop, because that was all I had. Problems came from there as every time I would post a video on my channel. The audio would be out of sync with the video. It always seemed to get worse, so I decided until I can get a good video camera, that I would hold off on it for a while and use this as a way to get my opinions out there.Whether it be reviews on albums, thoughts on current events in music, or whatever else seems to be going on. With my youtube channel, I would put a video out every Tuesday. With this, I don't plan on doing that. I may post a few in one week or one in the span of two weeks. It all depends on what's going on in the world of music.With that being said, I hope to whoever reads this that they enjoy it and give me their opinions on the world of music. It's Hard Rockin Topics.